Behavior of Files Uploaded to the TM1 server

An uploaded file is any file that is added to an IBM® Cognos® TM1® application using the Copy the file to the TM1 server option.

Uploaded files behave differently than referenced files because uploaded files are actually copied to and stored within the IBM Cognos TM1 server.

  • TM1 copies and saves uploaded files to the TM1 server in the following directory: <server_data_dir>\}Externals directory.
  • When a file is uploaded to the TM1 server, the file name is appended with a time/date stamp.

    For example, if you upload the file US Budget.xls to the TM1 server, the file is saved as US Budget.xls_20040702193054.xls.

  • When you delete an uploaded file from a TM1 application, TM1 deletes the copy of the uploaded file from the }Externals directory. The original file, outside of TM1, that the uploaded file was copied from, is not deleted.
  • If you want to create a hyperlink that opens an uploaded file from a Websheet or other TM1 application file in TM1 Web, the hyperlink must include the TM1 assigned name for the uploaded file. For details, see Creating Hyperlinks to Uploaded Files.