Hide hierarchy name to shorten visualization titles
You can now hide the hierarchy name in an axis or legend title to shorten the labels in a visualization. The axis and legend title labels show both the hierarchy name and the name of the set or member that was selected. When the hierarchy name is hidden, you see the name of only the set or the selected member.
- Select a visualization in Edit mode.
- Click Properties.
To hide the hierarchy name in an axis title, expand the Axis section under Visualization.
To hide the hierarchy name in a legend title, expand the Legend section.
Enable Hide hierarchy name.
For visualizations with axes, you can hide the hierarchy name in the Item axis title, Value axis title, or both.
You can still see the full labels for axes or legend titles in the respective field slots on the Fields tab.
If multiple dimensions are assigned to a field in a visualization with axes, hiding the hierarchy name shortens the title for each dimension.
Similarly, for visualizations that have multiple legends, enabling Hide hierarchy name shortens the title for all legends in the visualization.