Required update for Web pages that use the TM1 JavaScript library

The HTML <head> section in each custom web page that uses the TM1® JavaScript library now requires the inclusion of a <script> dojoConfig reference to enable access to TM1 Web.

Update the <head> section of your HTML pages, using the following tags and references as a template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script> dojoConfig = 
  {"react": "../react/react.production.min",
   "react-dom": "../react/react-dom.production.min",
   "prop-types": "../carbon/prop-types.min",
   "carbon-icons": "../carbon/carbon-icons",
   "carbon-components-react": "../carbon/carbon-components-react"}
<body class="exp tm1web"></body>