Usability improvements made to the contribution panel in Plans
Usability improvements made to the contribution panel in Plans now make it easy to view plan information and all the tasks in a plan. These improvements aim to better organize tasks for submissions and approvals, which are especially helpful when there are many tasks in a plan.
You can now access all the tasks from the Task list in the Tasks section. When you make a selection in the Task list, the Tasks section updates with the selected task's details such as the due date, action log, and assets.

To submit a task, simply select a task from the Task list and click Submit. When you submit a task, that task no longer displays in the Task list.
Click View next to Action log to see comments and submissions for a selected task.

If you are a Contributor and an Approver for tasks, they continue to display under separate tabs in the panel. These tabs were renamed to Approve tasks and Contribute to tasks.

As an Approver, select the task you want to approve from the Task list and click Approve/Reject. After you approve a submission, that task no longer displays in the contribution panel.
For more information, see Plans.