New dimension editor available on the modeling workbench

As part of IBM®'s continued investment in the Carbon Design methodology and in the interest of providing a consistent user experience across all components, the dimension editor in Planning Analytics Workspace has been updated to use Carbon Design principles. The new dimension editor also includes several usability and performance enhancements.

In Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.82, the new dimension editor is available only on a modeling workbench. A future release will include the ability to use the new dimension editor on a book as well.

To use the new dimension editor to create a dimension, right-click the Dimensions node on the Databases tree, then click Create dimension.

To use the new dimension editor to edit an existing dimension, right-click the dimension name on the Databases tree, then click Edit dimension.

You can also use the new dimension editor to create a new hierarchy for a dimension. Right-click the dimension name on the Databases tree, then click Create hierarchy.

The new dimension editor includes all the capabilities of the classic dimension editor, but the capabilities are provided in slightly different ways.


When you select one or more members in the dimension editor, an action toolbar becomes available.

New experience dimension editor

The action toolbar provides all the capabilities of the right-click (context) menu and the vertical toolbar from the classic dimension editor.

Use this toolbar to complete any of these tasks:
  • Add or delete members.
  • Change the order of members.
  • Cut, copy, and paste members.
  • Hide or reveal members.
  • Set display formats.

Attributes and security

You can create and modify member attributes and security in the new dimension editor. Click the appropriate tab to work with either Attributes or Security. These tabs take the place of the Attributes and Security icons on the classic dimension editor.

Attributes and Security tabs on new dimension editor.

Enhancements on the new dimension editor

The new dimension editor includes the following enhancements.

Settings to manage Value bar, Attribute type, and Page size
Click the Settings icon to enable or disable the display of the value bar and attribute icons or to set the page size.
Dimension editor settings options
  • Value bar - Use the value bar to edit member names or cell values outside of the dimension editor grid. This editing option is helpful, for instance, when a cell is narrow but an alias name is long.

    Value bar

    Enable the Value bar option to display the value bar. Disable the Value bar option to maximize the number of members that are displayed in the dimension editor without scrolling.

  • Attribute type - Enable the Attribute type option to display an attribute type icon for each attribute on the Attributes tab. Disable the Attribute type option to display only attribute names on the Attributes tab. When the option is enabled, you can see these icons for Alias, Number, and String icons.
    Attribute icons displayed on the dimension editor.
  • Page size - Select the number of members to initially load when the dimension editor is opened and each time a new page is fetched.

    You can now load and display up to 600 members per page, which is a significant performance improvement over the 70 members per page that were displayed in the classic dimension editor.

Filter members
Use the Filter option to narrow the focus of members displayed in the editor. You can select any saved set or member level.
Filter option
Expand or collapse header

Click Expand header Expand header icon or Collapse header Collapse header icon to control the display of the header.

The header displays the Hierarchy selector and Filter option. Expand the header to display both the Hierarchy selector and Filter option. Collapse the header to maximize the number of members that are displayed in the dimension editor without scrolling.