Perform AI-driven outlier analysis on explorations

Use Outlier analysis to identify and correct data points in an exploration that deviate significantly from the norm, potentially indicating errors or anomalies. The analysis also includes AI-generated insights for any outliers that were detected and corrected in the view, helping you to investigate anomalies and improve the quality of your data.

The initial release of the Outlier analysis feature is available only in Planning Analytics Workspace Cloud and in English only.

Important: The Outlier analysis feature is part of the Planning Analytics AI assistant add-on, which requires a separate license purchase; it is not included in a standard Planning Analytics Workspace license. To purchase a license, contact your IBM® sales representative or go directly to your IBM account.

To perform an outlier analysis, click an exploration in a book and select the rows that you want to analyze. Then, click AI operations in the toolbar and select Outlier analysis.

You can select up to 25 rows to run Outlier analysis but the feature considers only the first 120 columns in the exploration for the analysis.

Outlier analysis option is available under AI operations in the toolbar

By default, the resulting analysis displays the data in the form of a Scatter chart, making it easy to see any outliers. The algorithm selected to conduct the outlier analysis is evaluated by using Silhouette score and the best ranked algorithm is then used to run the analysis. However, you can select a different algorithm and regenerate the analysis. You can also switch the chart type from a Scatter chart to a Line chart.

To correct the outliers, enable Outlier correction. The visualization adjusts by using a “normalized” data point for the outliers.
Important: Outlier correction does not modify the actual data point, that was identified as an outlier, on your Planning Analytics database.

An AI-generated summary of the outlier analysis automatically generates when you run the feature. If you have Outlier correction enabled, the summary includes insights for the outliers that were corrected.

For more information, see Outlier analysis.