My tasks tab available on the homepage

The Planning Analytics Workspace applications and plans homepage now has a tab called My tasks. The My tasks tab provides information about your current and completed tasks.

The My tasks tab is divided into three sections: Task summary, To do, and Done.

The following image is the My tasks tab on the Planning Analytics Workspace homepage in table view:

My tasks tab in table view

The following image is the My tasks tab on the Planning Analytics Workspace homepage in tile view:

My tasks tab in tile view

Task summary

The Task summary section provides at-a-glance information about your pending and completed tasks, allows you to search for tasks with certain criteria, and allows you to change the layout of the tab.

This section has the following features:

  • The search bar Search icon allows you to search the content in the To Do and Done sections by task name.
  • The filter icon Filter icon allows you to filter the tasks in the To Do and Done sections by the action required and the status of the task.
  • The date range selectors Date range selectors allow you to filter tasks by their due date. You can search for tasks due within a range of time, and the tab only displays tasks in that period.
  • The view switcher View switcher icon allows you to change the layout between table view and tile view.
  • The settings button Settings icon has different options depending on the type of view you choose. If you choose the table view, you can adjust the size of the rows, and in tile view you can show or hide descriptions and thumbnails.
  • The refresh button Refresh icon refreshes the page.

To do

The To do section has information on tasks requiring further action.

The To do section has the following information:
  • Due date: when the task is due.
  • Name: the name of the task. Clicking on the name of a task opens it. From here, you can contribute, approve, or reject the task.
  • Action required: the type of action required to advance the task to the next step.
  • Action pending by: the users required to complete the action in the Action required section.
  • Description: a description of the task or required action.
  • Comment: comments added about the task or required action.


The Done section has information on the tasks you completed.

The Done section has the following information:

  • Due date: when the task is due.
  • Name: the name of the task.
  • Status: the current status of the task.
  • Approval done by: the user who approved the task. If the task has not been approved, this section will state that the task has not been approved, or if approval is not required.
  • Description: a description of the task.
  • Comment: comments added about the task.