Advanced administrator's tutorial

This tutorial is an advanced tutorial for report administrators.

This tutorial demonstrates how to set up, print, and distribute a custom report for the "Ash" branch office of the "Tree House" bank. The custom report will be available for online viewing (not as hardcopy) and be distributed to one recipient (yourself) by means of a distribution list.

To perform this tutorial, you need the following SBJTSAMP members:

  • BJT@JCBP: This member provides sample JCL for generating the report output on which the custom report is based. This JCL is for tutorial and demonstration use only. Normally, a business application generates the base report, and Output Manager captures all or some of its data from the JES spool based on the selection criteria that you define.
  • BJT@PRBP: This member contains the sample report data that is generated by BJT@JCBP. This data covers six bank branches. Your custom report will contain a subset of this data (that data for the Ash branch).

In this tutorial, you create all of the Output Manager rules and definitions that are required for creating a custom report from scratch. The optional task of specifying printer attributes is also included to introduce you to this important feature.

The tutorial steps in Table 1 provide the most efficient work flow for creating a custom report. Although you can perform some steps in another order, you should follow the tutorial flow; otherwise, you will need to return to one or more previous panels to link Output Manager rules and definitions together.