Viewing captured reports

  1. From the Output Manager main menu, choose option V, View Reports, and press Enter. The View Reports panel is displayed.
  2. Choose option R, Reports, and press Enter.
  3. Specify search criteria, or leave the fields blank, and press Enter.
    The resulting list is filtered by your search criteria.
  4. The Captured Reports panel is displayed with the following columns:
    Report Name
    The logical name that the report administrator assigned to the report in the report definition or report selection rule.
    Note: This column remains fixed when scrolling to the right or left.
    Capture Time
    The date (YYYY MM/DD) and time (HH:MM) when the SYSOUT on which the report is based was captured.
    One of the following report types: Basic (every page of the SYSOUT), Custom (a subset of the basic report, as defined by a custom report definition and layout), Undefined (all of the SYSOUT pages that did not match any of the custom report definitions), and All (both basic and custom).
    The total number of pages in the report.
    The total number of lines in the report.
    The description associated with the report
    Job Name
    The name of the job that produced the report
    Job ID
    The job ID of the job that produced the report
    Indicates whether a custom or basic report or an indexed report is based on an archived report that has been migrated to another storage level by DFSMShsm.
  5. In the CMD column, type V (View) next to the report that you want to view and press Enter.
    The report content is displayed.
  6. Press F8 (Fwd) to scroll down to view the report content.
    If you are viewing the report in page-by-page mode, the F7 and F8 keys only scroll within the page. Use Shift + F7, or Shift + F8 to change pages. Use the TOGGLE MODE command to toggle the page-by-page view mode on or off.
  7. Optionally, you can use the following line commands in the view session:
    • Find: Type FIND 'string', or F 'string', where string is a string of characters to be found, to search for lines that contain the specified character string. If the search string contains more than one word you must contain the search string in quotes.
    • RFIND: Type RFIND to repeat the last FIND command.
    • FX: Exclusive find. Type FX string, where string is a string of characters to be found, to search for lines that contain the specified character string and hide lines that do not contain the string.
    • COLS: Toggle the column number display on and off.
    • eXclude: Type EXCLUDE string or X string, where string is a string of characters to be hidden, to hide lines that contain the specified character string.
    • FIX: Fix a portion of the view screen and prevent that area from scrolling. Type FIX on the command line, position your cursor on the line directly below the section to be locked, and press Enter. All of the rows above the cursor are now fixed, and the scroll keys scroll the section of the screen below the fixed section.
      Note: Fixed rows are supported in Page by Page mode only. To turn on Page by Page, open the General View Preferences panel (item 2 on the Options drop-down list), and select "Show page by page."
    • FORMVIEW: Change the current formatted view by selecting one from a list of available formatted views.
    • GOTO: Adjust the view to begin at the cursor location. Place your cursor at a location within the report, type GOTO on the command line, and press Enter to move the line on which the cursor is located to the top.
    • HEX: Toggle hex viewing mode on or off.
    • HILITE: After marking an area, type HILITE on the command line and press Enter to highlight the marked area. When a report contains highlights, you can view them using the Show All Highlights option on the File drop-down list.
    • HILITES: Displays a list of all highlights within the report.
    • IPRINT: Batch-print the report.
    • LOCATE: Type LOCATE n, where n is a line number, to jump to that line number within the report.
    • MARK: Mark an area of the report. You must use the MARK command on both the first and last positions of the area to be marked. To add a mark, type MARK on the command line, position your cursor to the first character of the area to be marked, and press Enter. Then, type MARK on the command line again, position you cursor to the last character in the area to be marked, and press Enter.

      Tip: Once an area has been marked, you can add a note or highlight to the mark.

    • MTELL: Display the row and column coordinates, width, and height of a marked area. Place your cursor at a location within the report, type MTELL on the command line, and press Enter.
    • NOPR: Remove the currently displayed page from the range of pages to be printed.
    • NOTE: After marking an area, type NOTE on the command line and press Enter to add a note to the mark. When a report contains notes, you can view them using the NOTES command or the Show All Notes option on the File drop-down list.
    • NOTES: Display a list of all notes within the report.
    • NP: Scroll to the next page of the report.
    • PAGE: Toggle the page break indicator on or off.
    • PP: Scroll to the previous page of the report.
    • PR: Add the currently displayed page to the page range of pages to be printed.
    • RESET: Reset a previous issued line command, such as FIND or EXCLUDE.
    • RNUM: Toggle the display of row number on or off.
    • TOGGLE MODE: Toggle page-by-page view mode on or off. When page-by-page mode is on, the F7 and F8 keys scroll within the page, and Shift + F7, or Shift + F8 change pages.
    • TP: Display the General View Preferences panel.
    • VP: Display the Viewer Preferences panel.
  8. When you are finished, press F3 (Exit).