Setting up printer preferences for a user

User Printer Preferences configures printers that are associated with a specific user. This preference is used to determine the printer to use when a user prints a document.

About this task

For example, receiving office associates all its users to the HP LaserJet 5P located in the office.

The association of a printer to a station overrides the group preference of the specified user. The station is a static location where devices may be directly attached to a station.

It is recommended that User Printer Preferences be configured at the group level for easier administration.

To set up printer preferences for a user:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Security > Users. The User Search window displays in the work area.
  2. Enter applicable search criteria and choose the Search icon. A list of users displays.
  3. In the Search Results panel of the User Search window, choose the User whose Printer Preferences are to be set up.
  4. Choose the Details icon. The User Details window displays.
  5. In the User Details window, choose the Printer Preferences tab. The Printer Preferences tab window displays.
  6. Enter the information in the applicable fields. Refer Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  7. Choose the Save icon.


For more information about Setting Up a User (Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a User), see Defining users.

Table 1. Printer preferences tab window.

Printer preferences tab field value descriptions

Field Description
Printer Association
Printer ID From the drop down, select the printer ID to be associated with the user.