Configuring Purge Criteria for Master Data Upload

The administrator can upload master data from the Master Data Uploader screen in Sterling™ Business Center. An uploaded file is purged after five working days from the date of the corresponding file upload. Also, the files stored temporarily in the file system are deleted at the end of the session.

About this task

You can configure the purge criteria for the master data upload purge agent from the Purge Criteria List screen.


  1. Navigate to the Applications Manager screen from the Console homepage of Sterling Business Center. To navigate to the Applications Manager screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling Business Center as an Enterprise Administrator.
    2. Click the Console homepage. The Applications Manager screen is displayed.
  2. Navigate to Applications > Application Platform > System Administration > Purge Criteria. The Purge Criteria List panel is displayed.
  3. In the Purge Criteria List panel, double-click the MASTER_UPLOAD_PURGE attribute in the Purge Code column. The Purge Criteria Details pop-up window is displayed.
  4. In the Purge Criteria Details pop-up window, enter the number of days after which the uploaded master data file must be purged in the Retention Days field.
  5. Click the Save icon to save the modifications.