Uploading and downloading using interface contracts without the sterling application platform

In the Web UI Framework and the Rich Client Platform, you can plug in file upload/download implementations without the Sterling Application Platform using the file attachment base framework (platform_fa.jar).

About this task

To upload or download using the interface contracts without the Sterling application platform, use the following procedure:


  1. Code the file upload provider to implement IFileUploadProvider or extend PLTFileUploadProvider, whichever is appropriate.
  2. Code the file download provider to implement IFileDownloadProvider.
  3. Add the context parameters sc-file-upload-provider and sc-file-download-provider to web.xml or set the file upload/download providers in the initialization servlet of the application, with the qualified Java™ class path of the implementations.
  4. Add file upload/download servlet and servlet mapping entries in the web.xml file.
    Sample servlet and servlet mapping entries for file upload and download servlet:
    <servlet id="Servlet_55">
        <description>File Upload Servlet</description>
        <display-name>File Upload Servlet</display-name>
    <servlet id="Servlet_56">
        <description>File Download Servlet</description>
        <display-name>File Download Servlet</display-name>
    <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_30">
    <servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_31">