Modifying the payment card type details
You can modify the details of a payment card type by using the Payment Card Type Details screen.
About this task
To modify a payment card type:
- Navigate to the Payment Card Type Details screen.
To navigate to the Payment Card
Type Details screen, perform the following steps:
- Log in to Sterling™ Business Center as a system administrator or a system setup administrator.
- From the System Setup home page, expand the Payments menu, and then click Manage Payment Card Types.
- The Payment Card Types Search screen is displayed. In the Payment Card Types Search screen, enter the search criteria, and click Search to complete a basic search.
- The payment card types that match the search criteria are displayed. Click the Payment Card Type hyperlink.
The Payment Card Type Details screen is displayed.
Note: If there is only one payment card type that matches the search criteria, the details of the corresponding payment card type are automatically displayed. - In the Payment Card Type Details screen,
you can modify the following values:
- In the Short Description box, enter a brief description of the payment card type. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 40 characters.
- In the Long Description box, enter a detailed description of the payment card type. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 100 characters.
- In the Cash Back Limit box, enter the amount of cash that can be withdrawn in a single transaction by using the specified payment type. Cashback amounts on a payment method, cannot exceed the cashback limit.
- From the Authorization Reversal Strategy,
select any one of the following values:
- Do Not Reverse: Select this option if you do not want to implement an authorization reversal strategy.
- Reverse When Expired: If you select this option, a reverse authorization request is generated when an authorization expires.
- Reverse Excess: Select this option if you do not want to use authorizations that exceed the order total or settlement request. This option reverses expired authorizations and any charge request transaction that is not usable.
Note: If you want to inherit Authorization Reversal Strategy from the Payment Type Details window, leave this field blank. - From the Partial Reversal Supported,
select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Partial Reversal Supported from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes to reverse authorizations in excess of the order total by reversing the excess authorization amount only.
- Select No to reverse authorizations in excess of the order total by reversing the entire authorization amount and then submitting a new authorization for the order total.
- From the Use Same Authorization Multiple
Times, select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Use Same Authorization Multiple Times from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes if you want to allow the same authorization for multiple transactions.
- Select No if you do not want to allow the same authorization for multiple transactions.
- From the Charge Consolidation Allowed,
select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Charge Consolidation Allowed from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes if you want to consolidate charge requests.
- Select No if you do not want to consolidate charge requests.
- If you selectCharge Consolidation Allowed in the previous step, then, enter the timeframe (in hours) in the Consolidation Window (Hrs) box for charges to be consolidated within.
- From the Charge Up To Available, select
any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Charge Up To Available from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes to allow charging up to the available amount.
- Select No if you do not want to allow charging up to the available amount.
- From the Support Zero Amount
Authorization, select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Support Zero Amount Authorization from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes if you want to support zero amount authorization for this payment type.
- Select No if you do not want to support zero amount authorization for this payment type.
- From the Processing Not Required, select
any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Processing Not Required from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes you want to create a pre-processed Charge Transaction record of type CHARGE. For example, cheque or cash.
- Select No if you want to invoke the appropriate user exit for payment processing.
- From the Payment Void Supported,
select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Payment Void Supported from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes if you want to void the payment type for the particular transaction.
- Select No if you want to refund the payment.
- From the Allow Authorization To Exceed
Settlement Request, select any one of the following values:
- Select Inherit From Payment Type, if you want to inherit Allow Authorization To Exceed Settlement Request from the Payment Type Details window.
- Select Yes to allow an authorization amount to exceed a settlement amount.
- Select No if you do not want to allow an authorization amount to exceed a settlement amount.
- In the Hours Before Authorization Expiration box, enter the number of hours before authorization for a particular payment type that expires. If left empty, it will inherit from the payment type.
- In the Hours Authorization Can Still Be Reversed box, enter the number of hours that authorization for a particular payment type that can still be reversed. If left empty, it will inherit from the payment type.
- Click Save.