Creating an extended transaction
You can create new custom transactions in the process type you are working with. These transactions can then be used in pipeline creation and modification.
About this task
Note: When
you are creating an extended transaction that is not derived from
an abstract transaction, you are creating a custom transaction for
which software development must be done separately before the extended
transaction can be used within a pipeline.
To create an extended transaction:
- Open the Applications Manager and select the application that you want.
- In the Process Modeling window, select the Order, Load, or General tab to view the corresponding process modeling tree for that base document type.
- In the Process Types swimlane, right-click on the applicable process type and choose Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the corresponding process type.
- Choose the Transactions tab.
- Select the Transactions branch and choose the Create New icon. The Create New Transaction pop-up window displays.
- Select 'Do not derive from an abstract transaction' to create a new transaction and associate your own logic with it.
- Choose OK. The Transaction Detail window displays in the work area.
- Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
- Choose the Save icon.
Table 1. Transaction details window. Transaction details field value descriptions
Field Description Transaction ID Enter the transaction ID. Note: The document type and.ex
are automatically appended to the transaction ID of transactions you create.Transaction Name Enter the transaction's name. Externally Triggered The Externally Triggered tab provides an interface to set up an externally-triggered transaction. For more information about setting up an externally-triggered transaction, see Specifying a transaction as externally-triggered. Time Triggered The Time Triggered tab provides an interface to set up a time-triggered transaction. For more information about setting up a time-triggered transaction, see Specifying a transaction as time-triggered. User Triggered The User Triggered tab provides an interface to set up a user-triggered transaction. For more information about setting up a user-triggered transaction, see Specifying a transaction as user-triggered. Other This transaction is task based Select this field if your transaction is triggered by a task queue. This indicates that whenever the previous transaction in the pipeline completes its functions, the system creates a task in the task queue table for this transaction. Important: If this field is selected and the transaction is not identified as a time-triggered transaction, task queue entries are not created.
Works Based On Select the order level for which the transaction is used (for example, order or order release). Note: This field is disabled for inherited transactions.Spawns another process? Select this field if the transaction spawns another system process. Spawning process type If you chose 'Spawns another process?', select the process type the transaction spawns. Chained Document Type If a chained order is created from this transaction, enter the document type of the chained order that is created. For example, Sales Order or Purchase Order. Derived Document Type If a derived order is created from this transaction, enter the document type of the derived order that is created. For example, Return Order or Exchange Order. Operation Level Select the operation level to be assigned to the transaction from the drop-down list. The values in the drop-down list are common codes associated with the code type = "OPERATION_LEVEL". You can use the Operation Level value to categorize transactions in the pipeline. Note: The operation level is applicable only for derived transactions. For non-derived (new) transactions, the Operation Level field is disabled.This Transaction Is Derived From Abstract Indicates if the transaction is derived from a base transaction. Base Transaction Name If the transaction is derived from a base transaction, the name of the base transaction displays. This Transaction Can Be Stopped From Processing Orders That Are On Hold Check this if you want this transaction to be hold type enabled. A hold type enabled transaction can be configured to be stopped from processing orders that are on placed on a particular hold type. This flag cannot be modified for system defined transactions, but can be set for all custom transactions that are not derived from an abstract transaction.
Events An event is a specific occurrence in the business process, often creating a status change or generated alert. When an event occurs in a transaction an action is triggered. The Events tab provides an interface to set up events and event handlers. For more information about events and event handlers, see Adding an event to a transaction and Defining event handlers.
Supports Transaction Dependency Check this box if you want to support dependency for this transaction. Supports Transaction Completion Check this box if you want to support transaction completion. For more information about configuring transaction completion for extended or custom transactions, see Configuring a transaction completion. Operation Level Select the operation level for which the transaction is used. You can select either header level or line level. For information about configuring header-level or line-level operations for quote pipeline transactions, see Configuring header-level and line-level operations for quote pipeline transactions. Pickup Statuses The Pickup Statuses tab provides an interface to set up pickup statuses. For more information about pickup statuses, see Adding a pickup status to an extended transaction. Drop Statuses The Drop Statuses tab provides an interface to set up drop statuses. For more information about pickup statuses, see Adding a drop status to an extended transaction.