Upgrading an existing containerized developer toolkit environment

Learn how to upgrade your existing containerized developer toolkit environment.

About this task

Upgrading the containerized developer toolkit environment video

Watch this video to understand the upgrade process for the developer toolkit.

You can upgrade your existing containerized developer toolkit environment to a newer version of developer toolkit. As part of upgrade, your runtime binaries and configuration data are upgraded to the latest runtime image. Any transaction data or MQ data that you might have created are retained too. All your middleware images are also upgraded to the latest versions that are used in Sterling™ Order Management System.

Typically, upgrade takes a longer time than a fresh setup. If you do not want to continue to use your existing configuration or data, it is recommended that you rerun the procedure to set up the containerized developer toolkit environment afresh rather than doing an upgrade. For more information, see Setting up the containerized developer toolkit environment.

Important: Some important points to note before you upgrade your existing developer toolkit environment:
  • Upgrading to a new containerized developer toolkit is only supported from a containerized developer toolkit that is one major version old. For example, you can upgrade to containerized developer toolkit release 20.3 only if your existing containerized developer toolkit is already on release 20.2.
  • Before you upgrade to the new image, ensure that you stop all the agents or integration servers in the containerized developer toolkit environment.
  • If you change the path where you extracted the devtoolkit_docker directory, the upgrade may not be successful because your existing DB and MQ containers are mapped to this directory internally.
  • Do not run the ./om-compose.sh wipe-clean command before upgrade, because it removes all data and configurations.
  • If you have overridden any property in the om-compose.properties file earlier, you must repeat the changes in the new om-compose.properties file. For more information, see Overriding the default docker compose properties.
  • Copy the jndi and certificates directories from your earlier devtoolkit_docker directory to your current devtoolkit_docker directory.
  • Copy any additional jvm arguments that you might have added to the earlier jvm.options file to the current devtoolkit_docker/compose/docker/appserver/jvm.options file.


  1. Download the devtoolkit_docker.tar file. For more information, see Downloading the containerized developer toolkit.
  2. Next-generation platformDownload the devtoolkit_extras.tar file. For more information, see step 6 in Downloading the containerized developer toolkit on the next-generation platform.
    Ensure that both devtoolkit_docker.tar and devtoolkit_extras.tar files are in the same directory.
    This ensures that your earlier integrations with Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management tenants are not affected and the setup upgrade process will re-integrate your developer toolkit with the same Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management tenants.
    Note: If your existing developer toolkit is integrated with Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and has the default Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 2, migrating to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 1 is not supported as part of this setup upgrade process. Similarly, if you have explicitly installed Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 1, migrating to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 2 is not supported as part of this setup upgrade process.

    However, if your existing developer toolkit is not integrated with Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility currently, and you are using the devtoolkit_extras.tar file for the first time as part of the setup upgrade process, you can chose to install Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 2 (default) or Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 1. For information about installing Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility adapter phase 1 with your developer toolkit, see Installing developer toolkit with Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility phase 1 adapter.

  3. Extract the downloaded files. For more information, see Extracting developer toolkit.
    Important: Do not change the path where you extracted the devtoolkit_docker.tar earlier. If you change the path, the upgrade may not be successful because your existing DB and MQ containers are mapped to this directory internally.
  4. Run the following command:
    ./om-compose.sh setup-upg <optional: full_path_to_the_customization_package>


The upgrade is completed in approximately 1 hour. The runtime is also copied from the om-runtime Docker container to your devtoolkit_docker directory on the host system. Any existing runtime directory is renamed with a time stamp and not deleted.

What to do next

If you want to import CDT data after the setup, see Importing configurations by using Configuration Deployment Tool (CDT).