Extracting developer toolkit

Instructions on how to extract the developer toolkit environment setup files.

Before you begin

  • Fresh setup of developer toolkit
    If you do not have an existing developer toolkit installed:
    • It is recommended that you extract the devtoolkit_docker.tar file to your /home/user/ directory so that the devtoolkit_docker directory is directly within your /home/user/ directory.
    • Next-generation platformThe devtoolkit_extras.tar file must be present in the same directory as the devtoolkit_docker.tar file.
    • After extracting, do not alter any value pertaining to the Sterling™ Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management tenants either in the devtoolkit_extras.tar file, or in any of its contents.
  • Upgrade of developer toolkit
    If you have an existing developer toolkit installed and are upgrading to a newer version of developer toolkit :
    • Navigate to the parent directory of your existing devtoolkit_docker directory.
    • Rename your existing devtoolkit_docker directory to devtoolkit_docker_old.
    • Rename or delete or move any existing devtoolkit_docker.tar files.
    • Download the devtoolkit_docker.tar file to this directory. For more information, see Downloading the containerized developer toolkit.
    • Next-generation platformIf you already have a devtoolkit_extras.tar file, you can continue to use that. However, if you have to use a new devtoolkit_extras.tar file, rename or move the old extras file. Any devtoolkit_extras.tar file should be present in the same directory as the devtoolkit_docker.tar file.
    • Do not run the ./om-compose.sh wipe-clean command before upgrade, because it removes all data and configurations.


  1. Navigate to the directory where the devtoolkit_docker.tar file is downloaded.
  2. Run the following command to extract the developer toolkit environment setup files.
    tar -xf devtoolkit_docker.tar && chmod +x
  3. Next-generation platformExtract the devtoolkit_extras.tar file, which you have downloaded in the same directory as above, by using the following command:
    tar -xf devtoolkit_extras.tar