Downloading the containerized developer toolkit on the next-generation platform
You can download the containerized developer toolkit by using Self Service.
Before you begin
Ensure that your local workstation meets the expected system requirements that are described in the Prerequisites.
If you have downloaded the latest version of developer toolkit, you can skip this procedure and directly follow the instructions in the Setting up the containerized developer toolkit environment.
Important: Some important points to note related to the usage of
devtoolkit_extras.tar file are:
- The devtoolkit_extras.tar contains information about Sterling™ Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management tenants on cloud, to which your local developer toolkit connects.
- The devtoolkit_docker.tar and the devtoolkit_extras.tar files must be in the same directory.
- These Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory
Management tenants are dedicated to
your developer toolkit instance. These tenants must not be shared between multiple developer toolkit
instances because it can lead to data inconsistency issues in the Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory
Management cloud environments. Hence, SIs and
developers are advised not to share a
file to set up multiple local developer toolkits, as this can cause functional issues for your devtoolkit environment. - After extracting, do not alter any value pertaining to the Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management tenants either in the devtoolkit_extras.tar file, or in any of its contents.
- You are provided only a finite number of devtoolkit_extras.tar files.
Hence, you can set up only a finite number of developer toolkit local instances. If you have more
SIs or Developers who need access to a developer toolkit instance than the available number of
extras files, you can try one of the following workarounds:
- If you are doing only UI customization development and not functional testing, you can set up a local developer toolkit without downloading or extracting the devtoolkit_extras.tar file. Note that such an environment is not connected to Sterling Intelligent Promising Inventory Visibility and Store Inventory Management and hence is not an actual reflection of your Sterling Order Management System cloud environments.
- You can install the developer toolkit in a shared server rather than local workstations, thus allowing multiple developers or SIs to work on the same developer toolkit environment.
About this task
You can download the developer toolkit version from Self
Service based on
your requirement.
- Download the latest version of the developer toolkit for testing before you implement it in your environment.
- Download the environment-specific developer toolkit for your environment.