Configuring catalog search index

The containerized developer toolkit in IBM® Sterling™ Order Management System provides a common shared directory, /var/oms/ for all the containers. You can use this directory as the base directory for catalog search index.


  1. Specify a sub-directory inside the /var/oms/ directory and update the property yfs.searchIndex.rootDirectory. It can be done in one of the following ways:
  2. Create and configure the catalog search index agent server from the application console and start the agent from the runtime container.
    1. Enter the runtime container by running the following command:
      docker exec -it om-runtime bash
    2. Go to the runtime/bin directory by running the following command:
      cd /opt/SSFS_9.5/runtime/bin
    3. Start the catalog search index agent by running the following command:
      sudo ./ <name of the catalog search index agent server>
      Search indices are created inside the specified root directory. For example, /var/oms/catalog
    4. Restart the appserver for the search index to reflect in your applications.
      ./ restart appserver
      You must wait for 2-3 minutes before accessing the applications.