Customer Master Data Template File Description

The fields in the customer_template.csv file and the conditions to be maintained when updating this file are described.

Header Field Description
CUSTOMER Indicates the title of the entity type. Do not modify this row and its contents.
RECORDID (ACTRID) Indicates the identifier of the record for action to be performed. Do not modify the order of this field in the master data file. When adding a new row, you must copy the value in this column to the new row. Any row that does not contain the RECORDID value will be considered as an invalid record and this record will not be processed.
ACTION Specify the action to be performed on this record. The valid values are Manage, Create, Modify and Delete. The default value is Manage.
RECORDID (CSTRID1) Indicates the identifier of the record for customer details. Do not modify the order of this field in the master data file. When adding a new row, you must copy the value in this column to the new row. Any row that does not contain the RECORDID value will be considered as an invalid record and this record will not be processed.
CUSTOMERID Enter the name of the customer. Ensure that the name of the customer does not exceed 16 characters. This is a mandatory field. The master data upload will fail if you do not provide a value in this field.
COMPANY Enter the name of the customer’s organization.
CUSTOMERTYPE Specify the type of the customer. The valid values are CONSUMER and BUSINESS.
RELATIONSHIPTYPE Specify the relationship of this customer with your organization, for example, Buyer, Seller, and so on.
VERTICAL Specify the customer's vertical market or line of business, for example, Education, Government, and so on.
DUNSNUMBER Enter the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number of the customer organization.
ISTAXEXEMPT Specify whether the customer contact is exempted from tax. The valid values are Y and N.
RECORDID (CSTRID2) Indicates the identifier of the record for customer contact details. Do not modify the order of this field in the master data file. When adding a new row, you must copy the value in this column to the new row. Any row that does not contain the RECORDID value will be considered as an invalid record and this record will not be processed.

You can add multiple additional attributes to the CSTRID2 record in the master data file. You can provide these recurring values in the master data file by copying the recurring fields group (CSTRID2 and its corresponding fields) one after the other in the master data file.


FIRSTNAME Enter the first name of the customer contact.
MIDDLENAME Enter the middle name of the customer contact.
LASTNAME Enter the last name of the customer contact.
JOBTITLE Enter the functional designation of the customer contact.
EMAILID Enter the email address of the customer contact.
DAYPHONE Enter the telephone number of the customer contact.
RECORDID (CSTRID3) Indicates the identifier of the record for additional customer contact details. You can use this recurring group to add additional addresses to the customer contact. Do not modify the order of this field in the master data file. When adding a new row, you must copy the value in this column to the new row. Any row that does not contain the RECORDID value will be considered as an invalid record and this record will not be processed.

You can add multiple additional attributes to the CSTRID3 record in the master data file. You can provide these recurring values in the master data file by copying the recurring fields group (CSTRID3 and its corresponding fields) one after the other in the master data file.


FIRSTNAME Enter the first name of the customer contact.
MIDDLENAME Enter the middle name of the customer contact.
LASTNAME Enter the last name of the customer contact.
EMAILID Enter the email address of the customer contact.
DAYPHONE Enter the telephone number of the customer contact.
ADDRESSLINE1 Enter the address of the customer contact.
ADDRESSLINE2 Enter the address of the customer contact.
CITY Enter the location of the customer contact.
STATE Enter the state where the customer contact is located.
COUNTRY/ REGION Enter the country or the region of the customer contact.
ZIPCODE Enter the ZIP code of the customer contact's location.
ISCOMMERCIALADDRESS Specify whether the address of the customer contact is commercial or residential. The valid values are Y and N.
DEFAULTSHIPTO Specify whether the address specified is the default address of the customer contact for shipping the order. The valid values are Y and N.
DEFAULTBILLTO Specify whether the address specified is the default address of the customer contact for billing. The valid values are Y and N.
DEFAULTSOLDTO Specify whether the address specified is the default address of the customer contact. The valid values are Y and N.
  • New customers can be created using the master data upload functionality. The Organization Code for a new customer is constructed by concatenating the value of the CustomerID (provided in the master data file) and the partial value of the Parent Organization Code. For example, if the value of CustomerID is TESTCUSTID001, and the value of the Parent Organization Code is ODCO00130789, the Organization Code of the new customer is created by removing “ODCO” and appending the remaining 8 characters to the CustomerID. Therefore, the constructed Organization Code is TESTCUSTID00100130789.
  • If you have deleted an existing business customer from the system using the Delete option in the Action attribute in the customer_template.csv file, ensure that you do not reuse the value of the CustomerID of the deleted business customer. This is because the organization associated with the deleted business customer is retained in the database. If you attempt to upload the customer master data template file with the value of the CustomerID of the deleted business customer, the master data upload fails with a “Record already exists in the database” error message. However, this restriction in the reuse of the CustomerID value is not applicable when uploading the Customer master data template file for a consumer customer.
  • Do not reuse the values of the RECORDID provided in the template file such as ACTRID, CSTRID1, and so on in the other fields such as CUSTOMERID, COMPANY, and so on. The master data upload will fail if you provide the same values as that of the RECORDID
  • Do not add multiple values for a non-recurring group against a single record. This will cause the record to fail as the record will be considered as an invalid record.
  • Ensure that none of the fields contain blank values. If you do not want to use a field in the master data file, you must enter an asterisk as the value in that field such that the unused field is disregarded during the master data file upload.
  • The third row and the fourth row of the customer_template.csv file contain sample data.
  • Do not add a line break in a field.
  • Do not localize the master data file.