Steps to create a hang-off table
You can create a hang-off table by following a set of steps.
About this task
To create a hang-off table:
- Copy the <runtime_sandbox>/repository/entity/extensions/Extensions.xml.sample file as <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/global/entities/your_custome_filename.xml file OR modify your existing extension XML file. For example, assume that ABC_CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE is a hang-off table.
Edit the your_custom_filename.xml file to create
hang-off tables as shown in the following example. For a description of the XML attributes, see the
table that follows the example.
<DBSchema> <Entities> <Entity ApiNeeded="Y/N" AuditRequired="Y" Description="" HasHistory="Y/N" Prefix="ABC" TableName="ABC_CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE" TableType="TRANSACTION" KeyType="Random" > <!-- table columns --> <Attributes> <Attribute ColumnName="CREATETS" DataType="TimeStamp" DefaultValue="sysdate" Description="Create TimeStamp" /> <Attribute ColumnName="MODIFYTS" DataType="TimeStamp" DefaultValue="sysdate" Description="Modify TimeStamp" /> <Attribute ColumnName="CREATEUSERID" DataType="UserId" DefaultValue="' '" Description="Creating User ID" /> <Attribute ColumnName="MODIFYUSERID" DataType="UserId" DefaultValue="' '" Description="Modifying User ID" /> <Attribute ColumnName="CREATEPROGID" DataType="ProgramID" DefaultValue="' '" Description="Creating Program ID" /> <Attribute ColumnName="MODIFYPROGID" DataType="ProgramID" DefaultValue="' '" Description="Modifying Program ID" /> <Attribute ColumnName="LOCKID" DataType="Lockid" DefaultValue="0" Description="Lock ID" /> <Attribute ColumnName="TABLE_KEY" DataType="Key" DefaultValue=" " Description="" Nullable="True/False" XMLName="TableKey" /> . . </Attributes> <!-- PrimaryKey is a mandatory attribute in entity definition. This element can have ONLY ONE attribute element --> <PrimaryKey Name="TABLE_NAME_PK"> <Attribute ColumnName="TABLE_KEY" /> </PrimaryKey> <!-- Indices --> <Indices> <Index Name="INDEX_I1" Unique="True/False"> <Column Name="Attribute2" /> . . </Index> . . </Indices> <!-- Relationship --> <Parent ParentTableName="YFS_ORDER_LINE" XMLName="YFSOrderLine" > <Attribute ColumnName="CUSTOM_ORDER_KEY" ParentColumnName="ORDER_LINE_KEY" /> . . </Parent> <ForeignKeys> <ForeignKey ParentTableName="PARENT_ORDER_LINE" XMLName="PARENTName1" > <Attribute ColumnName="CUSTOM_ORDER_KEY" ParentColumnName="PARENT_COLUMN_KEY" /> . . </ForeignKey> . . </ForeignKeys> <!-- AuditReferences --> <AuditReferences> <Reference ColumnName="TABLE_KEY" /> . . </AuditReferences> </Entity> </Entities> </DBSchema>
- If TableName is specified using a non-ASCII character set, the attributes XMLName and Name are required.
- If ColumnName is specified using a non-ASCII character set, the attributes XMLName and Name are required.
- The following table explains the attributes in the entity
Indicates whether or not APIs should be generated. Valid values are Y or N. A default set of APIs are generated if Y is passed.
For example in the ABC_CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE table, the application creates the following APIs when the database extension JAR file is generated:- listABCCustomerOrderLine()
- getABCCustomerOrderLine()
- createABCCustomerOrderLine()
- modifyABCCustomerOrderLine()
- deleteABCCustomerOrderLine()
These APIs can be accessed as services using the Service Definition Framework.
If set to Y, audit record for this entity is created.
Note: This attribute must not be passed when you are creating a hang-off for order related tables. In this case, the audits are automatically inserted into the YFS_ORDER_AUDIT table.
A description of the entity that could be used in Javadoc or ERD.
This flag is automatically inherited from the parent table. For example, let us assume that ABC_ORDER_HEADER table is created as an hang-off table for YFS_ORDER_HEADER, which has an associated history table. Then ABC_ORDER_HEADER_H is automatically generated by the database framework.
The prefix added to your custom tables. It is recommended that you do not use a prefix starting with Y.
The name given to your hang-off table.
TableType This is mandatory to support multischema on IBM® Sterling™ Order Management System. The valid values are: CONFIGURATION, MASTER, TRANSACTION, STATISTICS, and METADATA. KeyType
Optional. The valid value is Random. When the value is set to Random, the logic used to generate primary keys for the table results in random primary keys rather than sequential primary keys being generated. That is, when KeyType=”Random”, two random digits are included in the primary keys. For example, the format of generated primary keys is YYYYMMDDHHRRMM(SS)NNNNNNNN, where RR represents the two random digits. Entity/Attributes/Attribute
The names of the column that comprise the table.
The data type of the column. Valid data types are given in install_dir/repository/datatypes/datatypes.xml file.
Note: BLOB datatype is not supported.CompressionSupported
Optional. Attribute used to indicate whether or not the data compression is supported for this column. Valid values are True or False. If True compression support is enabled.
Note: If the data inserted into a column has both CompressionSupported and UseCompression attributes set to True, then this attribute should not be set back to False. Doing so would result in all compressed data being retrieved without any decompression.UseCompression
Optional. Attribute used to compress data for this column. Valid values are True or False. If True data is compressed.
Note: The value of this attribute should be set to True only if the CompressionSupported attribute is set to True.QueryAllowed
Optional. Attribute used to enable a compressible column to be used for queries in a List API. Valid values are True or False. If True the column can be used for queries in the List APIs.
Note: If the value of the CompressionSupported attribute is set to true then the value of this attribute should also be set to True.DefaultValue
Default value for the column
A description of the columns that could be used in Javadoc or ERD.
Optional. Attribute used to describe the nullable value of a field. Default is false. Nullable=true is allowed for all columns except Primary Key Attributes and Entity Relationships.
Optional. XML name of the attribute, if it is different from the name of the attribute.
Choose a name that does not conflict with the base extension. It is recommended that you use Extn as a prefix. It is also strongly recommended that you use the same convention for arriving at the XMLName as the base product does: Make each letter following the underscore in the column name upper case, and the rest lower case. Then, remove the underscores. Thus, Extn_Item_Id should be: ExtnItemId.
Name of the unique index created for the primary key. This value cannot exceed 18 characters.
Note: The name of the primary key in the extension XML should end with _PK.ColumnName
The name of the table column that is identified as the primary key.
The index name. This value cannot exceed 18 characters.
This key is present only for custom entities. Valid values are True or False. If True a unique index is created.
Optional. If True, the index is allowed to contain columns marked with CompressionSupported attribute set to True.
Column/ Name
The table column name associated with the index.
Name of the other table this entity has foreign key relationship.
The XML name of the parent attribute. It should start with the prefix mentioned in the parent table.
By default the parent table name is assumed.
Parent/Attribute Level
Column name in the parent table.
Note: To create relationships among entities, the data type of parent column must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
Column name in this custom entity.
The name of the table with which the entity has a foreign key relationship.
XML representation of the element name.
By default the parent table name is assumed.
Column name of the parent table.
Note: To create foreign keys among entities, the data type of parent column must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
Column name in this hang-off entity.
Reference Column name in the audit table.
Note: In entity definition, relationship can be defined under ForeignKey elements. - The relationship defined under the ForeignKey element indicates:
- If the foreign table is an application defined table, for a single record in the foreign table, zero or many records in this hang-off table may exist.
- This is a read-only relationship, hence deletion of a record from the foreign table does not result in the deletion of a matching record from this hang-off table.
- Extend the corresponding API templates (for example, getOrderDetails
API) by following the instructions in "Extending API Templates."
Note: The APIs generated for the hang-off tables can be invoked as a service and through a multiAPI wrapper component.
- Build and deploy your extensions.