Related tasks - sample metadata XML file

You can review the sample metadata XML file for related tasks.

Below is a sample metadata XML file for a Related Task.

     <Category CategoryID="Pricelist" CategoryName="b_PriceList"> 
              <Task ActionID="SBCCreatePricelistAction"
TaskName="b_NewPriceList" PermissionID="SBCPR001" TaskID="SBCPRC00002"/> 
      <Category CategoryID="TestPriceList" CategoryName=
           <Task ActionID="SBCTestPricingAction" TaskName="b_TestPricing"
PermissionID="SBCPR050" TaskID="SBCPRC00008"/> 
The following table describes the attributes for the Category element as shown in the sample metadata XML file.
Attribute Description
CategoryID The unique identifier for the category.
CategoryName The bundle entry for the category name. This bundle entry should be defined in the client JavaScript bundle file.
The following table describes the attributes for the Task element as shown in the sample metadata XML file.
Attribute Description
ActionID The unique identifier of the action to be executed when a user clicks a task in the user interface. The action should be defined on the client side.
TaskName The bundle entry for the task name. This bundle entry should be defined in the client JavaScript bundle file.
TaskID The unique identifier of the task.