Launching the stand-alone Applications Manager to connect to the developer toolkit environment

You can obtain the stand-alone Applications Manager from the extracted runtime of a containerized developer toolkit. The stand-alone Applications Manager eliminates the dependency on a browser and other related issues.

Before you begin

You must first set up a containerized developer toolkit environment. For more information, see Setting up the containerized developer toolkit environment. As part of this process, the file is generated inside the runtime/ApplicationManagerClient directory.

Note the following points before you begin:
  • If you have set up the developer toolkit on a system that has a desktop GUI environment, you can launch a stand-alone Applications Manager from that system itself. However, if you launch it from any other OS in which developer toolkit setup is not supported, you must copy the file to the machine from where you want to launch the stand-alone Applications Manager and extract the .zip file. The extracted files include client.jar and a lib directory.
  • If you are using a Linux system, this client works only on machines where a desktop environment such as KDE or Gnome is configured and not on remote servers.
  • If you are using a Windows 10 system with WSL 2, you can download and extract and run it from your Windows system.
  • A stand-alone Applications Manager that is built from a specific version of a developer toolkit can connect to an Applications Manager running on a developer toolkit environment of the same version. To check the product version, see the About box of an application that is deployed in a developer toolkit environment.
  • Whenever the base product version changes, you must repeat the build steps to obtain a new stand-alone Applications Manager.
  • Passcode authentication is applicable only if IBMid authentication is enabled.
Note: For information about connecting to your cloud environments by using the stand-alone Applications Manager, see Launching stand-alone Applications Manager to connect to cloud environment.

About this task

The stand-alone Applications Manager can be launched from the command line to connect to any developer toolkit environment that is on the same product version.


Downloading/extracting the Applications Manager

  1. Go to the ApplicationManagerClient directory in the extracted runtime of the integrated developer toolkit. The Applications Manager zip file is already present in the directory and is also extracted.
    Attention: In a few older versions of developer toolkit, you might find instead of and client_9.5.jar instead of client.jar.
  2. If your developer toolkit is running on a Windows 10 system with WSL 2, and you want to open Applications Manager from your Windows host system, copy the from the ApplicationManagerClient directory in the extracted runtime to your Windows system and extract it there.

What to do next

Running the stand-alone Applications Manager to connect to the developer toolkit environment

Ensure that Java SE Development Kit 1.8 or later is set in the PATH environment variable in your system and then perform the following steps:
  1. Go to the directory where you have the client.jar file.
  2. Run the command: java -jar client.jar
    Note: If you are working on a Windows system, run these commands from Command Prompt or PowerShell. If you do not have Java SE Development Kit 1.8 for Windows, install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for 1.8.0 for WIndows.

    This command launches the stand-alone Applications Manager. A login screen is displayed where you must enter the login credentials. Along with the credentials, you must specify the application console URL of your developer toolkit application server.

Tip: To launch the System Management Console, use the following command
java -jar client.jar -mode SMC