Setting up the build and source control environment

As part of getting your IBM Sterling Order Management System service ready to be launched, you must set up your build and source control environment.

This environment is the configuration of servers and source control repositories where your development team and Systems Integrator store the custom source code and assets for your service and build deployable packages for deploying custom extensions and code to your service environments. As part of your IBM Sterling Order Management System service, IBM does not provide any build server or source control repository. You, or your Systems Integrator, must create and configure this environment so that you can deploy your own custom code and extensions to your IBM hosted IBM Sterling Order Management System environments.

The following diagram illustrates an example of a build server environment setup.
Image that shows the build server and build triggering setup.
As part of setting up your build server environment, you need to include the following components:
  • A source code repository, such as a Git repository that is hosted by IBM Cloud® DevOps Services, which is the recommended source code repository for IBM Sterling Order Management System.
  • A build server. This server is where build artifacts are generated and stored after the build process completes. The artifacts must then be transferred to the Drop Server from where IBM can retrieve the files for deploying within your IBM Sterling Order Management System environments. Your build server must meet the following requirements:
    • The build server must be a Linux box to ensure that any deployable packages that you create are compatible with your IBM Sterling Order Management System environments.
    • A build agent must be installed.
    • The build server must be connected to your source code repository.

For more information, see Setting up project repository for source control.