Modifying an entity XML
If it becomes necessary, you can modify an existing entity XML.
- Edit the required Entity XML to include the attribute CaseInsensitiveSearch under the
<Attributes> tag, for required columns.
For example,
<Entity Description="This table stores all the exceptions raised by the system." EntityType="TRANSACTION" Extensible="Y" Module="ycp" Name="Inbox" Prefix="YFS_" TableName="YFS_INBOX" XMLName="Inbox"> <Attributes> ........ <Attribute ColumnName="EXCEPTION_TYPE" DataType="Text-40" DefaultValue="' ' " Description="The type of exception." Name="Exception_Type" Nullable="false" XMLName="ExceptionType" CaseInsensitiveSearch ="Y" ShadowColumnName="ExceptionType_LC"/> ...... <Indices> <Index Name="EXCEPTION_TYPE_I1"> <Column Name="ExceptionType_LC"/> </Index> </Indices>
- Include the ShadowColumnName attribute and specify a name for the shadow column, as shown in the example in Step 1.