Availability calculation for service resources

The maximum availability of a resource pool that can be allocated against is the maximum availability of the services resources maintained in that resource pool.

For example, using the configuration above, the following consumptions exist for Mike's Team in the 8am-12pm slot:

  • 2 hour slot based appointment
  • 1 hour non slot based appointment

This consumes all of capacity of Mike's Team in the 8am-12pm slot.

  Availability in 8am-12pm Slot Availability in 2pm-6pm Slot
Mike's Team 0 hours 4 hours
John's Team 2 hours 4 hours
Bob's Team 2 hours 4 hours
RP1 4 hours 12 hours

Although the availability of RP1 in the 8am-12pm slot is 4 hours, the maximum availability that can be allocated against is the maximum availability of the service resource, which is 2 hours.