Application consoles action
The Application Consoles Action Resource Details dialog box enables you to customize details of an action that can be used in the Application Console.
Control | Description |
Java™ Server Page | When an action is executed in the user interface, this JSP is called. This can be used to do server-side processing, such as calling multiple APIs. |
JavaScript | The JavaScript function
specified here is executed through the eval() function.
The function body needs to be present in extensions/global/webpages/extn.js .
This JS file is included in the container.jsp file
and is therefore available in all JSPs. Note: The
container.jsp file
is one of the Presentation Framework JSPs. This JSP defines the basic
structure of all screens and includes other JSPs, as defined against
inner panels, search views, list views and detail views. |
View ID | When a View ID is specified for an Action, the view opens in
a modal dialog when user clicks on the action. However, if an API is also configured for the Action, the behavior is as follows: The API is called first, and after the API is called, the current window itself is updated with the view configured here. When a JavaScript is also configured, that's what is called before view or API is called. If the JavaScript returns false, none of the other actions are invoked. If the Action is configured for a list view, the specified View ID opens up in the same browser window, and not in a separate popup. |
View Group ID | View group that is navigated to when you choose this action. |
Input Name Space | Namespace of the XML that is passed as input to this API if this action calls an API. It is assumed that this namespace exists. |
Binding | You can specify an XML Binding
here. If the XML attribute returns true or greater than 0 or Y, the action is enabled and the user cannot click on the action. Since it considers all other values disabled. |
Selection Key Name | This is the name or the ID attribute of the checkboxes in the
inner panel that needs to be checked before this action is clicked
up. For example, in an order list screen, only if some orders are
selected, you can view the details. Clicking the View Details action
without selecting any order results in a client-side error message.
This happens because for the View Details action, the resource has
been configured to have a selection key name, which is the ID of the
checkboxes in the order_list_concise.jsp file. If this field is not specified, it means that the action is not dependent upon any checkbox being checked. |
Input Key Name | If the action being configured requires the user to select
records from a list using check boxes within the list, specify the
name or ID of the check box object within the JSP here to ensure that
the key the check box is associated to is passed as input to the target
of this view. For example, the order detail screen
contains a service requests inner panel that displays all of the service
requests for that order. The cancel action defined on the inner panel
requires the user to select one or more service requests (using the
check box that displays in the first column of the list). The name
of this check box inside the JSP is |
Popup | N/A |
Close Window On Complete | When this is specified, the current window closes after the current action is performed. For example, use this control for the Save action on a popup window that should close automatically after Save is performed. |