Delete Approval Rule Violation Reason for a Quote

You can delete an existing Approval Rule Violation Reason for a Quote, using the Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen.

About this task


  1. Navigate to the Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen. To navigate to the Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling™ Business Center as system administrator or a system setup.
    2. From the System Setup Home page, expand the Quote menu, and then click Manage Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason.
    The Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen is displayed. Existing approval rule violation reasons, if any, are displayed.
  2. In the Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen, click the approval rule violation reason you want to delete and then click the Delete button. A confirmation message is displayed.
  3. Click Yes to delete the approval rule violation reason.
    • When you delete a approval rule violation reason from Sterling Business Center and it is being used in Sterling Field Sales, then the Value is displayed in place of the value entered in the Short Description in Sterling Field Sales.
    • When you delete a violation reason for a quote from the Quote Approval Rule Violation Reason screen , then the reason automatically gets deleted from the Violation Message screen and you will not be able to view the reason in the Violation Message screen.