Order line hold types

You can also apply holds to single lines on an order. Functionally, Order Line holds are similar to Order Level holds.

For example, when an order that contains multiple lines is created, you may want to perform a Fraud Check on each line. By enabling the Fraud Check hold to be applied to each line, lines which have passed the check are able to move on through the fulfillment process.

Order Line level holds can be applied in the same manner as Order Level holds, with the following additions:

  • Automatically upon the creation of a draft order that contains lines, or when a line is added to a draft order.
  • Automatically when a line is added to a regular order.

Hold effect level

As with Order Level Holds, you can define the effect that applying the specified hold has on the order line. However, Order Line Level Holds also have the ability to prevent transactions from processing at either order or line level. For example, when the ship node of any line changes, you could automatically apply the SHIP_NODE_HOLD hold. This hold can be configured to prevent the Schedule transaction from occurring for either the specific line, to allow the rest of the order to be processed, or the entire order can be stopped due to the change.

You can prevent the following transactions at the Order level only. They process all lines on an order together.

  • Payment Execution
  • Payment Collection
  • Close Order
  • Send Release
  • Confirm Draft Order

Setting the hold flag in the task queue

The hold flag in the Task Queue can be set for Order Line holds based upon the following scenarios.

  • If all the lines on an order that are eligible for a Task Queue based transaction have a hold applied which prevents that transaction, the hold flag in the Task Queue is set to ’Y’.
  • If an order contains a line with a hold that prevents an Order level Task Queue transaction, the hold flag in the Task Queue is set to ’Y’.