Legacy platform

Search for an approval plan

You can perform a basic approval plan search using the Approval Plan Search screen.

About this task


  1. In the Plan ID Contains box, enter the complete or partial identifier of the approval plan you want to search for.
  2. In the Plan Name Contains box, enter the complete or partial name of the approval plan you want to search for.
  3. From the Order By drop-down list, select the alphabetical order in which you want the search results to be displayed.
  4. Click Search.

    The approval plans matching the search criteria are displayed. However, if there is only one approval plan matching the search criteria, the Approval Plan Details screen for that approval plan is displayed.

    Overriding configuration for approval plans or groups

    On the Approval Plan Search screen, you can add or remove an override configuration. However this is possible only when the current context organization is inheriting the configuration from another organization. You can click Take Ownership to create an override configuration for the approval plan or group for the current context organization. Similarly, you can remove the override configuration by clicking Give Back Ownership.
    Note: As approval plans are document specific, "Take Ownership" action on the search page creates overrides for all the document types corresponding to base document type "0001" along with an override without document type, to perform a blank search. Similarly, "Give Back Ownership" action deletes all the overrides created earlier including the override without document type.