Creating a pipeline

You can create a pipeline for the process type that you are working with.

About this task

To construct a pipeline you can drag transactions and conditions into the pipeline work area. Each transaction has a set of branches relating to each drop status. To link a transaction to another transaction you must drag the appropriate port from the first transaction to the second. You can identify what status belongs to which port by putting the arrow over the transaction's ports. You can link transactions back to themselves assuming they are allowed to pick up the status being linked back to.

Transactions can also be linked to conditions. To specify that you are extending the drop status with a condition, drag the port to the applicable condition and then to the pickup transaction. If the pickup status has the same base as the port, the link is allowed. Once the link is made, it is defaulted to the first possible pickup status.

To create a pipeline:


  1. Open the Applications Manager and select the application that you want.
  2. In the Process Modeling window, select the Order, Load, or General tab to view the corresponding process modeling tree for that base document type.
  3. In the Process Types swimlane, right-click on the applicable process type and choose Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the corresponding process type.
  4. Choose the Pipeline tab.
  5. Select Pipelines and choose the Create New icon. The Pipeline Detail window displays in the work area.
  6. Drag and drop the applicable transactions and conditions into the work area and connect them following the rules detailed in this section.
  7. Choose the Save icon.