Sample extensions for order orchestration

IBM Sterling Order Management System provides following sample rules and UI extensions for order orchestration functionality.

Sample rules for validation

The order orchestration package includes a sample set of rules defined in the Operational Decision Manager (ODM) that can be deployed in client’s own ODM instance. The sample rule uses two conditions to validate the customer order. If the OrderedQty on the OrderLines is more than 20 or the ItemID is the string ‘INVALID’, the sample rules will return a ValidationResult with a ValidationStatus as InValid.

In order to run the validation flow using the sample ODM rules, the following default properties are used:
  • orch.service.validation.flowname.mapping=PrepareMappingForValidationSample
  • orch.service.validation.flowname.invokerules=InvokeValidationRulesSample
The application-provided sample set of rules are available in the following file:
  • IBMOrderValidationRules.jar
These files are available in the <OMS_Runtime>/resources/orderorchestration/Sample/ODMSample directory.

Sample Call Center UI extensions

The order orchestration package also includes a sample extension for Order Summary screen of the Call Center application. The extension is provided to insert a new container in the Order Summary screen and render a tree based on the order relationships. D3 library is being used to render the tree structure.

To view the tree structure, search for an order and navigate to the Order Summary screen in the Call Center application. If the order has order relationships defined, the tree structure is drawn in the Order Summary screen. The selected order need not be a parent order, as long as this order is part of any one of the relationships, the application draws the full tree structure starting from the parent order.

When you click on the order number link in the order tree structure, the application opens the corresponding order summary details in a separate tab. The sample extensions are installed as part of order orchestration package installation. The sample extension files are available in the <OMS_Runtime>/resources/orderorchestration/extensions directory.