Updating Order Management Cloud Service runtime sandbox

The order orchestration extensions JAR file must be deployed onto cloud environment using the standard procedure. The files that must be placed in the appropriate folders of development runtime environment for building the order orchestrations extension JAR file.

About this task

To build and deploy order orchestration related extensions:


  1. Copy the following template files to the <OMS_Runtime>/extensions directory:
    • template/api/getItemListForDecomposition.xml
    • template/api/getOrderDetailsForDecomposition.xml
    • template/api/getOrderDetailsForValidation.xml
    • template/api/getOrderListForBuildPlan.xml
    • template/api/multiCreateOrder.xml
  2. If you are using the services defined for order orchestration, copy the following template files to the <OMS_Runtime>/extensions directory:
    • If you are using PrepareMappingForBuildPlan service : template/xsl/orch/PrepareMappingForBuildPlan.xsl
    • If you are using PrepareMappingForDecomp service : template/xsl/orch/PrepareMappingForDecomp.xsl
    • If you are using PrepareMappingForValidation service : template/xsl/orch/PrepareMappingForValidation.xsl
  3. Copy the <OMS_Runtime>/jar/orch/<version_number>/orchbe.jar file to the <OMS_Runtime>/yfsextn/1_0/ directory.
  4. Some of the order orchestration properties are not supported in the database. Add such properties to the customer_overrides file.
  5. Package all configuration and properties extensions within an extensions Java™ archive (JAR), such as an extensions.jar. You can create and export an extensions.jar archive from your local runtime sandbox. Learn more...
  6. Upload all the order orchestration related data configurations from local runtime sandbox to the cloud environment. For more information, see Deploying packages to IBM Sterling Order Management System with the IBM UrbanCode Deploy Selfserv tool.