Add a validation rule by using pre-defined criteria

You can create a validation rule by using the pre-defined criteria for a validation that belongs to payment capture domain.

About this task

Note: The fields marked with * are mandatory.


  1. Navigate to the Policy Details screen. To navigate to the Policy Details screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling™ Business Center as a system administrator or a system setup administrator.
    2. From the System Setup home page, expand the Validation Policies and Override Rules menu, and then click Payment Capture.

      The existing payment capture validations if any, are displayed in the Payment Capture Policies screen.

    3. In the Policy list panel, click the Validation hyperlink from the validation list to navigate to the corresponding Policy Details screen.

      The Policy Details screen is displayed.

  2. In the Policy Details screen, click Validation Rules tab.
  3. Click Add.

    The New Validation Rule screen is displayed.

  4. Perform the following steps to add the primary information:
    1. In the Validation Rule ID * text box, enter a unique identifier for the validation rule. The Validation Rule ID, which is used to identify the validation, must be unique for the organization.
    2. From the Document Type menu, select the document type of the validation rule.
    3. From the Message Code menu, select the message code for the validation rule.
    4. In the Message Description text box, enter a brief description of the message code that is selected. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 100 characters.
    5. Enter the Effective Start Date. Alternatively, click the Calendar icon to select a start date from the calendar. The date format that is displayed depends on your locale.
    6. Enter the Effective End Date. Alternatively, click the Calendar icon to select an end date from the calendar. The date format that is displayed depends on your locale.
  5. Perform the following steps to add the criteria:
    1. From the Channel menu, select the sales channel for the validation rule.
    2. From the Lane Type menu, select the lane type for the validation rule.
    3. From the Store Type menu, select the store type for the validation rule.
    4. From the Region lookup widget, search for the region of the validation rule.
    Note: For the validation to take place, ensure that the order created qualifies the criteria.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Enter the value for the pre-defined criteria in the text box that is populated based on the validation that is selected.
    For example, If you are creating a validation rule for TENDER_LIMIT validation, you must enter a pre-defined value in Tender Limit text box.