Why an order or order line is not scheduled
The Sterling™ Order Management System scheduling function picks up all order lines that are ready for scheduling based on the specified controls.
The scheduling function determines the ship node (if not already determined) and expected dates and schedules the order against the node and date determined. If the scheduling function cannot source the product due to any reason, it backorders the order line (or leaves it in it's current status based on reason of failure). Sterling Order Management System updates a "Schedule failure reason" on the order line. This reason explains why the scheduling function did not complete. Possible reasons for scheduling failures are:
- DATE_BEYOND_MAX_SCHEDULE - The ship date (specified or calculated) is in the future and the scheduling rules (Schedule lead time) or the Node parameter (maximum schedule lead days) do not allow scheduling this early. If these parameters are set up incorrectly please correct them and re-run scheduling.
- FILL_QTY_NOT_REMAINING - The order line has fill quantity specified but the remaining quantity is less than the specified fill quantity. The order cannot be scheduled until the fill quantity is adjusted. You can either cancel the order line for the remaining quantity or adjust the fill quantity if it was specified incorrectly.
- FILL_QTY_NOT_AVAILABLE - The quantity remaining to schedule on the order is more than the fill quantity but it is not available for scheduling yet. The unavailable quantity is in a status that is not ready for scheduling. If the order line needs a manual status change, perform that change, or once the order line is ready, Sterling Order Management System schedules the line automatically.
- NO_MORE_LEFT_TO_SCH - There is no more quantity left to schedule for the order line.
- UNAVAIL_FOR_SHIP_COMPLETE - The order line or order scheduling rules are set for line ship complete or order ship complete and all order quantities are not available for scheduling yet.
- SOME_QTY_NOT_AVAIL - For product lines - The order line has a delivery service associated with it but some quantity of the order line is not available for scheduling yet. Sterling Order Management System does not schedule the order line until the complete quantity is available for scheduling transaction.
- QTY_NOT_AVL_FOR_SCH_YET - The order line has unscheduled quantity but zero units are available for scheduling.
- APPT_BEFORE_CONSTRAINT_DATE - A delivery service or provided service line has an appointment that occurs before the scheduled delivery date of its pre-sequenced order line.
- APPT_IN_THE_PAST - An appointment on the service line occurs in the past. You need to take the appointment again for the order line to schedule.
- CANCEL_DATE_IN_THE_PAST - The cancel date specified on the order line is in the past. You now need to cancel the order line or adjust the cancel date to an appropriate future date.
- NEEDS_AN_APPT_TO_SCH - This line needs a service appointment before it can be scheduled.
- NO_DEL_SRVC_ATTACHED - The delivery method on the line is set up as "DEL" (Delivery) and there is no delivery service line associated with the order line. Associate a delivery service line.
- PARENT_NOT_COMPLETE - The order line is part of a sequenced line group and it is required that the parent line be delivered before this order line can be scheduled. Wait for the pre-sequenced line to be completed before this line can be scheduled.
- PARENT_NOT_SCHEDULED - The order line is part of a sequenced line group and it is required that the parent line is scheduled before this order line can be scheduled. Look into the reason why the pre-sequenced line was not scheduled and take corrective actions on that line. Once the pre-sequenced line can be scheduled, this line becomes eligible for scheduling.
- CONFIRM_ASSIGNMENT_REJECTED - The scheduling function has found a possible node to ship the order line but the confirm assignment user exit rejected scheduling of this line.
- PARENT_LINE_NOT_READY_TO_SCH - The order line is part of a sequenced line group and it is required that the parent line is scheduled before this order line can be scheduled. The parent line is not ready for scheduling yet, therefore, this line cannot be scheduled. Look into the reason why the pre-sequenced line cannot be scheduled and take corrective actions on that line. Once the pre-sequenced line is ready for scheduling, this line becomes eligible for scheduling.
- DEPENDENCY_CONSTRAINT - The order line is dependent on another line (dependency group or sequenced group) and dependency constraints do not allow scheduling of this line.
- DELIVERY_SERVICE_CONSTRAINT - The delivery service is not available for the line.
- NOT_ENOUGH_PRODUCT_CHOICES - Product inventory is not available for the line. Availability is specific to the date range when product can be shipped. Please check the dates again on the order to see if increasing the "delay window" removes this constraint.
- CAPACITY_NOT_AVAILABLE - The service line does not have enough capacity available for the requested appointment slot.
- DATE_CONSTRAINT - A pre-sequenced line cannot be scheduled before the allowed ship or delivery end date of this order line.
- NO_RESOURCE_POOL_FOUND - No resource pool serves the region or item for the order line. You may have to either cancel the order line or find a similar service that serves that region.
- NO_ADDRESS_SPECIFIED - The order line has no ship-to address specified.
- NO_SOURCING_RULE_DEFINED - The order line does not have any pre-specified ship node or distribution rule and no sourcing rules are defined for the order line.
- NO_PRODUCT_AVAIL - The delivery service line on which this error is shown has delivery capacity but product is not available on the appointment date or time.
- CONFLICTING_CONSTRAINTS/OTHER_CONSTRAINTS - This should happen in rare situations when Sterling Order Management System cannot schedule a set of order lines because they have conflicting constraints such as "ship together" but different ship nodes specified on each line.