Creating item attribute overrides at the node level

You can create item attribute overrides at the node level.

About this task

To create item attribute overrides at the node level:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Products > Node Item Attributes. The Node Items Search window displays in the work area.
  2. Choose the Create New icon. The Create Item Node Definition pop-up window displays.
  3. From Node, select the node that you want to define item attribute overrides for.
  4. From Item ID, select the item whose attributes you want to define overrides for at the node level.
  5. From UOM, select the unit of measure of the item ID you have selected to identify the specific item ID/unit of measure combination you want to define overrides for.
  6. Choose the Save icon. The Node Item Details window displays in the work area.
  7. In the Node Override Values column, enter the override values for the applicable attributes. For attribute definitions, see Defining a product item's classifications.
  8. Choose the Save icon.