You can create the dashboard user interface by creating the JSON object for the
dashboard, getting the dashboard config, and rendering the dashboard config on the UI.
- Create the JSON object for the dashboard and get the dashboard config.
For example,
String dashboardId = "MyDashboard";
JSONObject dashboardJSON;
String ctx = request.getContextPath( );
SCUIContext uiContext = SCUIContextHelper.getUIContext(request, response);
Element dashboardEl =
SCUIDashboardManager.getInstance( ).getUserDashboard(dashboardId, uiContext);
if (dashboardEl == null) {
throw new SCUIException("invalid dashbardID :" + dashboardId);
Element dasboardConfigEl =
SCUIDashboardManager.getInstance( ).getDashboardConfig(dashboardEl, uiContext);
dashboardJSON = SCUIJSONUtils.getJSONObjectFromXML(dasboardConfigEl, uiContext);
dashboardJSON = dashboardJSON.getJSONObject(dasboardConfigEl.getNodeName( ));
- Render the dashboard config on to the UI.
For example,
<script type="text/javascript">
sc.plat.JSLibManager.loadLibrary("scuiPlatDashboard", function( ) {
Ext.onReady(function( ) {
var config = <%=dashboardJSON.toString()%>;
console.log('config is:', config);
var dashboard = new sc.plat.ui.Dashboard(config);