Migrating customized applications to next-generation Order Hub
If you have existing applications that you have customized in Order Hub, you will need to migrate those customized applications to the next-generation Order Hub environment.
Note: Do not copy the overrides.json or the module
package.json files from the existing customization.
Note: Do not copy the src/environments folder from the existing
Note: Do not copy the route package.json file from the existing
./om-compose.sh start orderhub
yarn start-app
Note: You see the following
"** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:<port>, open your browser on https://localhost:<port>/<module>/<route> **"You can ignore this message.
Note: You see the following warning
"MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 close listeners added to [Server]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"You can safely ignore this warning. It appears that all of the modules started correctly.
Note: If you encounter an error similar to the following, you can ignore this
"Fatal: not a git repository"
Note: If you encounter an error similar to the following message, increase the heap size before you
start the new application.
Error command failed with exist code 134. lerna ERR! yarn run start .... exited 134Run the following command and then start the new application.
- Windows CMD prompt:
SET NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8048
- Bash/Git Bash:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8048
- Powershell:
Note: To accept the certificate, it is now
instead of