Creating resource permissions for custom pages and actions

Create resource IDs to access control custom pages or actions that you added to Order Hub. If you do not create resource IDs, then all your users can access the custom applications. For example, consider a scenario where you created a page specifically for managers. You can create a resource ID for the page, and then grant permission for managers but deny permission for everyone else.

As a reference, the following tutorial creates resource permissions for custom pages and actions: Tutorial: Customizing the Inventory search results page.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following property is enabled, yfs.enable.resource.addition. You can set this property by using the System Management Administrator or in the file.


  1. Create resource IDs for your custom application. You can define the granularity of your resources as needed.
    For example, create resource IDs for an entire page, sections of a page, or specific actions on a page.
    1. Log in to the IBM Sterling® Order Management System Application Console.
      For more information, see Starting Application Console .
    2. Select Configuration > Launch Channel Applications Manager.
    3. Expand Extend and Customize the Application and then click Define Extended Application Resources.
    4. Select BUC_Product_Name (BUCSYS00001) from the menu.
      This application represents Order Hub and all of its existing resource IDs.
    5. Click Create (+) to create a new entity.
      Create as many entities as you need. For example, one entity for each page or action that you want to access control.
    6. Complete the mandatory fields and then click Save.
      Resource ID
      The ID of the resource. In step 2, you need to specify this ID in your application code to perform resource permission checks.
      A description of the resource.
      Resource type
      The type of resource.
      The application that uses the resource. Select the application code buc from the list.
      For more information about resources, see Sterling Order Management resources.
      Tip: If you want to use Applications Manager instead of Channel Applications Manager, you can access the resources at the following location.
      1. Log in to the Starting the Applications Manager.
      2. Select Applications > Applications Platform.
      3. Expand Presentations and then open Resources.
      4. Continue with step 1.d.
  2. Perform resource permission check within your application.
    1. Edit the <routing_file>.module.ts files as follows.
      • Update code to use the BucCommonClassesConnectorResourcePermissionsGuard guard with the attribute.
      • In the field, specify the Resource ID value that was defined in step 1.f. Order Hub will evaluate the resource permissions when a user attempts to access the route.
      For example, assuming the existing code looks similar to the following snippet:
          path: 'omshome',
          component: OMSHomeComponent
      Add the import, canActivate, and data code to your file:
      import { BucCommonClassesConnectorResourcePermissionsGuard } from '@buc/svc-angular';
          canActivate: [BucCommonClassesConnectorResourcePermissionsGuard],
          path: 'omshome',
          component: OMSHomeComponent,
          data: {
            id: 'CUSTOM0001'
    2. Add the resource permission check for your route by adding the following const canAccess line to the other .ts files as needed.
      const canAccess = BucSvcAngularStaticAppInfoFacadeUtil.canUserAccessResource(<resourceId>);
  3. The resource IDs are now available in the Order Hub permissions module within the Applications Manager. You can now give user groups access to the resource IDs that you created.
    For more information about giving user groups access to the resource, see Defining resource permissions for Order Hub.