Creating a custom code template using a blank template with the web UI framework

You can create a custom code template using a blank template by using the Code Template Generator.


  1. Open the Code Template Generator.
  2. In the Available Templates section, right-click on the heading of the Custom Templates list.
  3. Choose the create new template option.

    A blank template appears, with the default template name. All of the variable values are blank except for the variables in the Existing Variables section.

  4. Add variables and enter values for them.
  5. Click the Save button to create the Ext XTemplate for the new template. Click the Cancel button to exit the Create New Template window without saving any of your work.

    The Code Template Generator window re-appears.

  6. Click the Generate Code button to create the custom template from the Ext XTemplate that you just created.

    New code appears in the Generated Code section of the Code Template Generator window.

  7. Save the custom template by clicking the OK button. You can exit the Code Template Generator without saving the custom template by clicking the Cancel button.

    After saving a custom template, it appears in the Custom Templates list in the Available Templates section of the Code Template Generator.