Building database extensions

You can build the database extensions by rebuilding the entities.jar.

About this task

To build the extensions to your database, rebuild the entities.jar by running the utility from the <runtime_sandbox>/bin directory. For example:

./ -t entitydeployer

Note: Before building the database extensions, make sure that all the extension files are stored in the <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/global/entities directory.

By default, when you run the entitydeployer target, all the log messages are printed to the<runtime_sandbox>/logs/entitydeployer.log file. If you want to print the log messages in the log file as well as on the console, pass the -l info parameter when you run the entitydeployer target. For example:

./ -t entitydeployer -l info

To update the ERD documentation, re-build the entities.jar by running the utility from the <runtime_sandbox>/bin directory. For example:

./ -t updateERD

Note: By default, when you run the entitydeployer target, the dbverify tool is also run, and the dbverify-generated SQLs are applied to the database.
  • To prevent dbverify from generating "IndexAdds" SQLs for dropped indexes, ensure that the dropped indexes are listed in the <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/schemagenerator/indexes_not_created.txt file.