Building custom extensions

To build your custom code extensions (user exits, extended APIs, custom implementations of supplied Java™ interfaces, user interface custom mashup classes) modifications, generate a JAR file containing these Java files and custom classes.

Before you begin

Follow the best practices for developing and packaging custom implementation classes. For more information about the best practices, see Best practices for developing and packaging custom implementation classes.

About this task

After creating the JAR file, include the new JAR file in the CLASSPATH environment variable by running the utility from the <runtime_sandbox>/bin directory. For example:

./ <vendorName> <vendorVersion> <-j | -l | -p | -r | -d > <filelist> [-targetJVM DCL | EVERY | NOWHERE | APP | AGENT]

Here, <vendorName> must be yfsextn. <vendorVersion> must be 1_0. Pass the appropriate argument based on the file type. You can pass the following arguments:

  • -j for JAR or compressed files
  • -l for shared libraries
  • -p for properties files
  • -r for resource properties files
  • -d for database JAR or compressed files

<filelist> refers to the path to your custom file.

Note: If you want to make this custom JAR available to the application server and agents when running the install3rdParty utility, based on your requirement pass the following target JVM arguments:
  • DCL—If you want to add the custom JAR to the main dynamic classpath.cfg file only.
  • EVERY—If you want to add the custom JAR to all the dynamic classpath files (for example, APPDynamicclasspath.cfg, A GENTDynamicclasspath.cfg , OPSDynamicclasspath.cfg, and ACTIVEMQDynamicclasspath.cfgfiles).
  • NOWHERE—If you just want to add the custom JAR to the <runtime_sandbox>/jar directory and do not want to update any of the dynamic classpath files.
  • AGENT—If you want to add the custom JAR to the AGENTDynamicclasspath.cfg file.
  • APP—If you want to add the custom JAR to the EAR file.

For example, if you want to add the custom JAR to the AGENTDynamicclasspath.cfg file, run the install3rdparty command with following arguments:

./ websphere 8.5.5 -j <Path_to_your_custom_JAR> -targetJVM AGENT

Note: At times, mechanisms supplied by the Sterling™ Order Management System, such as time-triggered transactions, APIs, and user exits, are replaced by improved mechanisms. When these mechanism are replaced, they are designated as “deprecated.” Whenever possible, use the new mechanisms rather than the deprecated ones. If you do need to use a deprecated mechanism, it must be run in backward compatibility mode. In addition, note that deprecated mechanisms are supported for two major software versions, and then they are removed from the product.