What can be customized and extended with the web UI framework
You can use the Web UI Framework to customize and extend any screen
of the application that also follows these guidelines:
- Any extensible UI content is served to the client using a JSP (Java™ Server page).
- A unique identifier must be created for every screen class (the
className property) and screen component (the sciId property).
If this guideline is not followed, a console warning will alert you that more than one screen or screen component has the same ID. You can still launch and deploy the application out-of-the-box with duplicate IDs for screen or screen components, but duplicate IDs are likely to cause problems when you try to extend.
- In differential extensibility (where only parts of the screen change), the extensions are defined in an extension file which must be included with the out-of-the-box screen.
- It uses the Ext JS JavaScript framework.
- The screen class must extend from the class sc.plat.ui.ExtensibleScreen.
- It does not add controls dynamically. These controls cannot be changed by screen extensions. Also, all layouts do not support the addition of dynamic controls.
You can extend screens that were not originally created using the Web UI Framework tools (for example, hand-coded screens). However, if a screen was designed using the Web UI Framework tools, it can be easily extended because it conforms to the Web UI Framework standards.