Creating an extended transaction that is derived from an abstract transaction

You can create new transactions by deriving from existing system transactions in the process type you are working in. These transactions can then be used in pipeline creation and modification.

About this task

Note: When creating a transaction that is derived from an abstract transaction, completing the document field type is not mandatory, but is recommended.

To create a derived transaction:


  1. Open the Applications Manager and select the application that you want.
  2. In the Process Modeling window, select the Order, Load, or General tab to view the corresponding process modeling tree for that base document type.
  3. In the Process Types swimlane, right-click on the applicable process type and choose Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the corresponding process type.
  4. Choose the Transactions tab.
  5. Select the Transactions branch and choose the Create New icon. The Create New Transaction pop-up window displays.
  6. Select ‘Derive from this abstract transaction' and select the applicable transaction to build a derived transaction off of.
  7. Choose OK. The Transaction Detail window displays in the work area.
  8. Enter information in the applicable fields. Refer to Table 1 for field value descriptions.
  9. Choose the Save icon.
  10. If you modified the Java™ class, restart the appropriate Agent Servers for the changes to take effect.