Download error messages

There are twelve different download error messages.

Number Error Code Error Condition Error-Related More Information or Any Message


Session is not valid. InvalidSession
2 PLTF002 File download input is not provided. File download input is not provided.
3 PLTF012 FileAttachment key is not provided in file download input. FileAttachment key is not provided
4 PLTF003 File download authorization is required, but API input is not provided. API input to download file is not provided.
5 PLTF003 File download authorization is required, but API name is not registered. API provided for file download file authorization is not registered.
6 PLTF003 File download authorization is required, but API template is not found at location template/FileDownloadapi. Template not found for API authorization.
7 YCP0045 If after authorization, FileAttachment key cannot be found in the output. File attachment record does not exist or the user is not authorized to access it.
8 YCP0045 If the file attachment record is not found in the file attachment table. File attachment record does not exist.
9 PLTF008 If virus scan implementation finds virus. Error message sent by the virus scan implementation should be shown.
10 PLTF004 If after virus scan, the file is not found within the quarantine directory. File is not found in the directory specified after the virus scan.
11 PLTF013 Virus scan implementation class cannot be found or is incorrect. Error message sent will be available on the client.
12 PLTF014 Encoder-decoder implementation class cannot be found or is incorrect. Error message sent will be available on the client.