Download error messages
There are twelve different download error messages.
Number | Error Code | Error Condition | Error-Related More Information or Any Message |
1 | PLTF006 |
Session is not valid. | InvalidSession |
2 | PLTF002 | File download input is not provided. | File download input is not provided. |
3 | PLTF012 | FileAttachment key is not provided in file download input. | FileAttachment key is not provided |
4 | PLTF003 | File download authorization is required, but API input is not provided. | API input to download file is not provided. |
5 | PLTF003 | File download authorization is required, but API name is not registered. | API provided for file download file authorization is not registered. |
6 | PLTF003 | File download authorization is required, but API template is not found at location template/FileDownloadapi. | Template not found for API authorization. |
7 | YCP0045 | If after authorization, FileAttachment key cannot be found in the output. | File attachment record does not exist or the user is not authorized to access it. |
8 | YCP0045 | If the file attachment record is not found in the file attachment table. | File attachment record does not exist. |
9 | PLTF008 | If virus scan implementation finds virus. | Error message sent by the virus scan implementation should be shown. |
10 | PLTF004 | If after virus scan, the file is not found within the quarantine directory. | File is not found in the directory specified after the virus scan. |
11 | PLTF013 | Virus scan implementation class cannot be found or is incorrect. | Error message sent will be available on the client. |
12 | PLTF014 | Encoder-decoder implementation class cannot be found or is incorrect. | Error message sent will be available on the client. |