If your table modifications impact any APIs, you must extend the templates of those APIs.
About this task
Each template-based API delivers different output, depending
on the template passed to it. To verify whether an API is template-based
or not, see the Javadoc information.
Place the extended API templates in the <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/global/template/api directory.
To find out which APIs are impacted by table modifications:
Note the XMLName attribute of the table being modified in the entity tag inside the database
entity XML files (which contains the definition of all the tables). These database entity XML files
are located in <runtime_sandbox>/repository/entity directory.
Search for the pattern of that XMLName attribute in the <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/global/template/api directory. The search results
in finding exposed and internal APIs impacted by the table modifications or extensions.
For example, consider that you want to extend an attribute in the YFS_CHARGE_CATEGORY table. The
XMLName for this table as specified in <runtime_sandbox>/repository/entity/omp_tables.xml is ChargeCategory. Now
search for the attribute ChargeCategory in <runtime_sandbox>/extensions/global/template/api directory to find the APIs
impacted by this extension.