Upload master data

An Enterprise Administrator can upload the master data file pertaining to an entity type (also called as upload type) from IBM® Sterling™ Business Center.

About this task

You can upload the master data file from the Master Data Uploader screen.


  1. Navigate to the Master Data Uploader screen. To navigate to the Master Data Uploader screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling Business Center as an Enterprise Administrator.
    2. From the System Setup homepage, expand the Data upload menu and click Master Data Upload.

      The Master Data Uploader screen is displayed.

  2. In the Upload Details panel, select the radio button corresponding to the entity type whose master data you want to upload, and click Proceed. For example, select the radio button corresponding to the Customer entity type, and click Proceed to upload the updated Customer master data file.
  3. In the Master Data Upload screen that is displayed, click Browse to navigate to the directory where you have saved the updated master data file, and select the file.
  4. Click Submit to upload the updated master data file.
    • The maximum size of the master data file that you can upload at a time is 4 MB. If you need to upload a master data file whose file size is greater than 4 MB, modify the master data file or create additional master data files in conformity with the maximum file size limit. To modify the maximum permitted size of the template file, modify the value of the yfs.sc.file.upload.maxfilesize.YFS_UPLOAD_JOB property in the customer_overrides.properties file.
    • Master data upload through the Sterling Business Center user interface or the API interfaces cannot be tracked using the Change Project Management feature. The master data must be uploaded separately on the production environment.
    • To upload another master data file of the same entity type, click Browse to locate the corresponding updated master data file, and click Submit. To upload a master data file of another entity type, click the Upload New hyperlink in the Related Tasks panel to view the Upload Details panel.
    • The time taken for the upload to complete depends on the network speed, and the size and number of records in the master data file.