Configuring the GDPR_Get_Detail_Data service

You can configure the GDPR_Get_Detail_Data service to use a custom template instead of the application-provided template to retrieve the personal data for an authorized individual based on your business requirement.

About this task


  1. From the Applications menu of the Applications Manager, click Application Platform.
  2. From the tree in the application rules side panel, double-click Process Modeling.
  3. Click the General tab. In the Process Types swim-lane, right-click the General process type, and click Model Process. The Repository Details window and work area display for the General process type.
  4. Click the Service Definitions tab.
  5. Expand the General Data Protection Regulation branch.
  6. Right-click GDPR_Get_Detail_Data, and click Details. The Service Detail window displays in the work area.
  7. Click the Template tab. If required, you can provide the path to the custom template that you want to use for retrieving the required personal data for an authorized individual.