Forwarding/transfer rules

Forwarding rules enable you to minimize transportation costs by allowing you to specify a default carrier service to move shipments from one node to another before shipping to a customer, otherwise known as zone skipping.

When evaluating options, the application identifies ship nodes that can fulfill the request, then utilizes routing guides to determine the best possible drop location and carrier that meets any item constraints.

Forwarding is not applied in the following scenarios:

  • If forwarding is not enabled at the Enterprise level.
  • If forwarding is not enabled at the line level.
  • If forwarding is not enabled at the item level.
  • If a shipment is being delivered.
  • If a shipment has shipping and receiving nodes with a transfer schedule between them.
  • If the shipment is not a final shipment to the customer (procurements cannot be forwarded).
  • If a carrier service code is not specified at the line or header level.
  • If the document type classification is not "Sales Order" or "Other".

Transfer rules enable you to minimize the number of shipments to a customer by determining a merge node, where shipments can be consolidated before shipping to a customer.