Adding a widget to a screen with the web UI framework

You can add a widget to a screen by using the Extensibility Workbench or the Designer Workbench.


  1. Make sure the Palette tab is showing on the Extensibility Workbench or the Designer Workbench, and not the Data or Files tab.
  2. Click on a widget.
  3. (Required only if a preset is required) Click the check box for the preset.
  4. (Required only if a preset is required) Make any changes to the default properties of the widget by creating a preset property.
  5. Move your cursor to the screen and right-click or left-click to add the widget to the screen. A tooltip will help confirm when you can add the widget.
    In the Designer Workbench, the widget appears in two places:
    • On the canvas, in the most upper left hand location.

      For example, if you add a button to a blank canvas, it appears in the upper left hand corner of the canvas. If you add a second button, it appears directly beneath the first button.

    • In the Tree View, in a hierarchical pattern under the screen object.
    In the Extensibility Workbench, the widget appears in two places:
    • On the screen, in the location where you clicked.
    • In the Outline view, in a hierarchical pattern under the screen object.