Greex library functions
The Greex framework contains the Greex library, which comprises a set of functions that you can call on input data through XPath expressions.
Constants can be used in function parameters too. The Greex library provides the
following set of defined functions:
- booleanAnd—Returns true if all the values for an Xpath attribute list are true.
- booleanOr—Returns true if any of the values for an Xpath attribute list is true.
- compareAll—Compares all the values of a collection.
- compareAny—Compares any of the values of a collection.
- count—Counts the occurrences of a given Xpath.
- dateAdd—Adds a given number of days to a date.
- dateGreater—Compares two dates.
- dateGreaterOrEqual—Compares two dates.
- dateMax—Returns the maximum date from the set of dates across Xpath elements.
- dateMin—Returns the minimum date from the set of dates across Xpath elements.
- doubleAdd—Adds two double values.
- doubleGreaterOrEqual—Compares two double values.
- doubleLesser—Compares two double values.
- doubleLesserOrEqual—Compares two double values.
- doubleMax—Returns the maximum attribute value across Xpath elements as double.
- doubleMin—Returns the minimum attribute value across Xpath elements as double.
- doubleSum—Returns the sum of attribute values across Xpath elements as double.
- equals—Compares two objects of the same type.
- equalsIgnoreCase—Compares two strings, ignoring the case.
- intAdd—Adds two integer values.
- intGreater—Compares two integer values.
- intGreaterOrEqual—Compares two integer values.
- intMax—Returns the maximum attribute value across Xpath elements as integer.
- intMin—Returns the minimum attribute value across Xpath elements as integer.
- intSum—Returns the sums of attribute values across Xpath elements as integer.
- isTrue—Verifies if the parameter value is set to
. - isVoid—Verifies if the parameter that is passed is null or empty.
- listIntersection—Returns the intersection of attribute values, that is, comma—separated values, across Xpath elements as string.
- listUnion—Returns the union of attribute values, that is, comma-separated values, across Xpath elements as string.
- stringBegins—Verifies if the first string begins with the second string.